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    Products center
    NPKCalcium ammonium nitrateMagnesium nitrate hexahydrateMore products
    CALCIUM Potassium
    CALCIUM Potassium

    25 calcium oxide CaO+4 potassium oxide K2O+4 nitrogen N
    All water soluble, easy to absorb, potassium and calcium supplement. Effectively supplement the calcium required by soil and crop growth, significantly improve the quality of fruits and vegetables; Effective prevention and treatment of deficiency caused by calcium deficiency: tomato umbilical rot, apple bitter pox disease and other physiological diseases. It can quickly supplement crop nutrition and improve crop yield. Fruit growth rate is fast, the fruit is enlarged, early color, early ripening. Improve product quality, enhance fruit hardness, extend the storage life of fruit, transport resistance. Improve crop drought resistance, cold resistance, saline-alkali resistance, lodging resistance and so on, increase crop disease resistance.


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